Editorial Feature

Developing an AI Algorithm to Monitor Infant Sleep Positions

Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies continue to pave the way for innovation in a myriad of industries. Their integration into smart buildings has received increased interest and support over the years, especially as the demand for solutions to mitigate rising energy costs continues. 

Image Credit: Feng Yu/Shutterstock.com

AI algorithms have also been installed to analyze the visual contents of surveillance cameras to determine the number of residents and their positions in smart buildings. 

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is one of the top causes of the sudden and unexpected death of babies under the age of one year in the United States.

Many studies show that allowing babies to sleep on their stomachs can increase SIDS risk. This position is considered the most dangerous as it compresses the baby's chin, narrows the airway and inhibits breathing.

In practice, it is difficult to keep babies sleeping on their backs because it is so easy for them to roll over and sleep on their stomachs. A series of sensor-based wearable or touchable monitors have been developed to monitor sleeping status.

When placed on babies, these sensors track parameters such as body temperature, breathing, and heart rate of sleeping babies. If the monitor's sensors detect abnormal activity a warning alert is sent.

To address the inadequacies of wearable sensor-based baby monitors, researchers have begun looking into contactless camera-based monitoring, which identifies sleeping positions using cameras and AI algorithms.

Instead of employing wearable body sensors or electrodes to collect signals, AI algorithms evaluate camera output and categorize sleeping postures. When compared to sensor-based baby monitors, this strategy is more user-friendly and cost-effective.

Presently, two key obstacles prohibit AI from recognizing possible infant sleep risks in smart buildings: (1) present datasets of baby sleep posture are not vast or diversified, and (2) a major barrier for utilizing deep learning AI algorithms in edge computing systems is storage constraints (See Table 1).

Table 1. Summary of Existing AI Algorithms for Contactless Camera-Based Sleep Posture Detection. Source: Huang, et al., 2021

Existing Work Year AI Algorithm Accuracy Disadvantages
[16] 2016 CNN with 3 convolution and 2 dense layers 94% 1. Expensive due to using a combination of depth sensors and infrared camera;
2. A small dataset (1880 samples)
3. Does not consider minimizing memory footprint
[17] 2020 CNN with 4 convolution and 2 dense layers 88% 1. A small dataset (4250 samples)
2. Diversity issue: all samples are daytime images
3. A large memory footprint (275 MB)
[18] 2021 ResNet with 16 convolution and 3 dense layers 89% 1. A small dataset (4250 samples)
2. Diversity issue: all samples are daytime images
3. A large memory footprint (147 MB)
[19] 2021 DenseNet-121 N/A 1. A small dataset with baby doll images
2. Lack of real baby sleep images
3. A large memory footprint (58.2 MB)
[21] 2021 Inception-V3 90% 1. A small dataset (1200 samples)
2. Lack of real baby sleep images
3. A large memory footprint (175.7 MB)
This work 2021 CNN with post-training weight quantization 90% 1. Post-training weight quantization may cause a slight decrease in accuracy

To address research constraints, a team of researchers has developed an optimal AI algorithm for infant sleep posture classification. Their results were published in the journal AI in December 2021. 


Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was chosen for the current study because it is the most basic neural network design for transforming input photos into output categorization results.

CNN has been used to distinguish heavy construction equipment, safety hardhats, and tracking infant movement (see Figure 1) and is made up of stacked layers.

Input images were set as infant sleeping photographs with a dimension of 256 × 256 × 3, with a width and height of 256 pixels, and three RGB color channels.

Proposed AI algorithm for infant sleep posture classification.

Figure 1. Proposed AI algorithm for infant sleep posture classification. Image Credit: Huang, et al., 2021

Table 2 provides more detail on the model layer, number of filters, type, number of parameters, and output shape.

A post-training weight quantization was applied to the pre-trained AI algorithms to help the proposed CNN perform effortlessly in memory-constrained edge systems.

Table 2. Summary of existing AI algorithms for contactless camera-based sleep posture detection. Source: Huang, et al., 2021

Number of
Number of
Conv2d Conv2D 16 (256, 256, 16) 448
Max_pooling2d MaxPooling2D   (128, 128, 16) 0
Conv2d_1 Conv2D 32 (128, 128, 32) 4640
Max_pooling2d_1 MaxPooling2D   (64, 64, 32) 0
Batch_normalization Batch Normalization   (64, 64, 32) 128
Conv2d_2 Conv2D 64 (64, 64, 64) 18,496
Max_pooling2d_2 MaxPooling2D   (32, 32, 64) 0
Conv2d_3 Conv2D 64 (32, 32, 64) 36,928
Max_pooling2d_3 Maxpooling2D   (16, 16, 64) 0
Batch_normalization Batch Normalization   (16, 16, 64) 256
Flatten Flatten   16,384 0
Dense Dense   384 6,291,840
Dropout Dropout   384 0
Dense_1 Dense   128 49,280
Dense_2 Dense   1 129


Weight quantization has two advantages: it reduces memory footprint to save parameters and accelerates computation to enable seamless and fast running AI algorithms on edge systems.

Figure 2a depicts a typical convolution process that does not involve weight quantization; therefore, the weight is set to 32-bit floating-point data by default.

As shown in Figure 2b, each weight of the pre-trained AI algorithm is changed to an 8-bit integer type rather than a 32-bit floating-point type. As a result, it is expected that weight quantization can significantly lower the memory usage of AI systems.

An example illustrating the post-training weight quantization process of the proposed AI algorithm.

Figure 2. An example illustrating the post-training weight quantization process of the proposed AI algorithm. Image Credit: Huang, et al., 2021

As quantization noise arises when a continuous random variable is changed to a discrete one, it reduces weight precision and may lead to a loss in classification accuracy. Fortunately, researchers discovered that deep learning AI algorithms' weight precision is not very sensitive.

Results and Discussion

Datasets are essential in deep learning as AI systems rely largely on data.

A sufficient dataset should have at least 10 times the number of trainable parameters in an AI algorithm. To achieve this requirement, three datasets (daytime dataset, night-vision dataset, and mixed dataset) were created (see Table 3).

Table 3. Summary of three datasets generated for AI algorithms in this work. Source: Huang, et al., 2021

Dataset Subset Number of
Daytime dataset
(5120 daytime images)
Training Set 3584 70%
Validation Set 1024 20%
Testing Set 512 10%
Night-vision dataset
(5120 night-vision images)
Training Set 3584 70%
Validation Set 1024 20%
Testing Set 512 10%
Mixed dataset
(10,240 daytime and night vision images)
Training Set 7168 70%
Validation Set 2048 20%
Testing Set 1024 10%


Figure 3 illustrates the conversion to night-vision images from daytime images.

An example of converting a daytime image into a night-vision image for infant sleep posture detection. The child’s face is hidden for privacy.

Figure 3. An example of converting a daytime image into a night-vision image for infant sleep posture detection. The child's face is hidden for privacy. Image Credit: Huang, et al., 2021

The current research employs TensorFlow and Keras to evaluate the proposed AI algorithm. Figure 4a depicts the conventional AI training and evaluation process while Figure 4b, illustrates the process post-weight quantization process.

(a) Traditional AI training and evaluation process without weight quantization, and (b) proposed AI training and evaluation process with post-training weight quantization.

Figure 4. (a) Traditional AI training and evaluation process without weight quantization, and (b) proposed AI training and evaluation process with post-training weight quantization. Image Credit: Huang, et al., 2021

The SGD optimizer trains all of the AI algorithm's weights. The learning rate is a hyper-parameter that governs how often the SGD optimizer adjusts weights to their optimal values.

The initial learning rate and its decay parameter were shown to be unaffected by the datasets in the studies.

The validation loss has a high initial value and decreases gradually. The experimental results of the loss and classification accuracy curves on both the training and validation sets of the daytime dataset are illustrated in Figure 5.

Simulation results of our AI algorithm on the daytime dataset before weight quantization.

Figure 5. Simulation results of our AI algorithm on the daytime dataset before weight quantization. Image Credit: Huang, et al., 2021

Figures 6 and 7 illustrate the experimental results of similar loss and accuracy curves for the night-vision and mixed datasets, respectively.

Simulation results of our AI algorithm on the night-vision dataset before weight quantization.

Figure 6. Simulation results of our AI algorithm on the night-vision dataset before weight quantization. Image Credit: Huang, et al., 2021

Simulation results of our AI algorithm on the mixed dataset before weight quantization.

Figure 7. Simulation results of our AI algorithm on the mixed dataset before weight quantization. Image Credit: Huang, et al., 2021

Weight quantization is then applied to these well-trained AI models. After the training phase is completed, experiments are done on the testing sets to determine the final test accuracy.

Due to memory constraints, these AI methods might not fit on edge computing systems like microcontrollers, tiny FPGAs, or low-end Raspberry PIs.

The memory footprint may be reduced by 88% via weight quantization. Table 4 lists the memory footprint details obtained from existing contactless camera-based AI algorithms.

Table 4. Comparison with existing contactless camera-based AI algorithms for baby sleep posture detection on the daytime dataset. Source: Huang, et al., 2021

Existing Work Dataset Weight Quantization Memory Footprint Test Accuracy
[17] 4250 daytime images No 275 MB 88%
[18] 4250 daytime images No 174 MB 89%
[19] Baby doll pictures instead of real baby pictures No 58.2 MB N/A
[21] 1200 non-baby sleep images No 175.7 MB 90.2%
Daytime dataset
(5120 images)
No 51.3 MB 90.8%
Yes 6.4 MB 91.6%


Figures 8 to 11 show the results of the comparison of the existing AI algorithms by evaluation with the same mixed dataset. Table 5 illustrates the performance results of the existing AI algorithms.

Simulation results of the AI algorithm on the mixed dataset.

Figure 8. Simulation results of the AI algorithm on the mixed dataset. Image Credit: Huang, et al., 2021

Simulation results of the AI algorithm on the mixed dataset. I

Figure 9. Simulation results of the AI algorithm on the mixed dataset. Image Credit: Shadman, 2021

Simulation results of the AI algorithm on the mixed dataset.

Figure 10. Simulation results of the AI algorithm on the mixed dataset. Image Credit: Khan, 2021

Simulation results of the AI algorithm on the mixed dataset.

Figure 11. Simulation results of the AI algorithm on the mixed dataset. Image Credit: Tang, et al., 2021

Table 5. Comparison with existing contactless camera-based AI algorithms for baby sleep posture detection on the mixed dataset. Source: Huang, et al., 2021

Dataset   Weight Quantization Memory Footprint Test Accuracy Comments
Mixed dataset (10,240 images) [17] No 275 MB 89.5% Compared with these existing AI algorithms, this work reduces memory footprint by at least 89%, while maintaining similar classification accuracy.
[18] No 174 MB 89.3%
[19] No 58.2 MB 91.0%
[21] No 175.7 MB 91.1%
This work No 51.3 MB 89.9%
Yes 6.4 MB 89.7%


Figure 12 is a plot showing the visualization of the results presented in Table 5.

Performance comparison of test accuracy vs. memory footprint between this work and the existing state-of-the-art works in the literature

Figure 12. Performance comparison of test accuracy vs. memory footprint between this work and the existing state-of-the-art works in the literature. Image Credit: Huang, et al., 2021

Table 6 shows the probability of true negatives (TN), true positives (TP), false positives (FP), and false negatives (FN). The new algorithm has a substantially lower false-negative rate (i.e., 11%) than other algorithms, which have at least a 13% false-negative rate.

Table 6. Confusion matrix comparison with existing contactless camera-based AI algorithms for baby sleep posture detection on the mixed dataset. Source: Huang, et al., 2021

. . .
[17] Negative (predicted) Positive (predicted)
Negative (actual) TN = 0.93 FP = 0.07
Positive (actual) FN = 0.13 TP = 0.87
[18] Negative (predicted) Positive (predicted)
Negative (actual) TN = 0.93 FP = 0.07
Positive (actual) FN = 0.15 TP = 0.85
[19] Negative (predicted) Positive (predicted)
Negative (actual) TN = 0.95 FP = 0.05
Positive (actual) FN = 0.14 TP = 0.86
[21] Negative (predicted) Positive (predicted)
Negative (actual) TN = 0.94 FP = 0.06
Positive (actual) FN = 0.14 TP = 0.86
This work Negative (predicted) Positive (predicted)
Negative (actual) TN = 0.92 FP = 0.08
Positive (actual) FN = 0.11 TP = 0.89


The proposed AI algorithm may be readily implemented into a baby monitor, which typically enables two-way audio transmission, due to its lower memory requirement and improved detection accuracy.

Parents are not always in the vicinity of their children, particularly at night. Here, the proposed design automatically monitors infant sleep posture and delivers warnings or captures baby photographs, and sends them to their mobile phones.


To help mitigate the risk of SIDS, the current research created a huge and diversified dataset for AI training and evaluation that included 10,240 day and night-vision baby sleep photos. A CNN AI method is also proposed, and the post-training weight quantization technique is employed to reduce memory use.

Experiments show that the new AI system achieves good classification accuracy while using a modest amount of memory.

Compared to other existing literature, the suggested memory-efficient AI algorithm supports equivalent test accuracy of roughly 90% and consumes only 6.4 MB memory, implying at least a nine-fold memory reduction.

Continue reading: Accelerating Medical Diagnostics with AI

Journal Reference:

Huang, Q., Hsieh, C., Hsieh, J., Liu, C. (2021) Memory-Efficient AI Algorithm for Infant Sleeping Death Syndrome Detection in Smart Buildings. AI, 2(4), p. 705–719. Available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-2688/2/4/42/htm

References and Further Reading

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Megan Craig

Written by

Megan Craig

Megan graduated from The University of Manchester with a B.Sc. in Genetics, and decided to pursue an M.Sc. in Science and Health Communication due to her passion for learning about and sharing scientific innovations. During her time at AZoNetwork, Megan has interviewed key Thought Leaders across several scientific, medical and engineering sectors and attended prominent exhibitions worldwide.


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