A Latin American Company has placed an order for the Hermes Unmanned Aircraft Systems with Elbit Systems. The unmanned aircraft would work in conjunction with the ground control stations, the DCoMPASS payload systems and radar systems.
Hermes® 900 - Multi-role, Medium Altitude Long Endurance UAS (MALE)
The design of Hermes 900 is based on the Hermes 450 UAS. The Hermes 450 is the main component, on which the UAS fleet of the Defence Forces of Israel is built.
Hermes 900 aircrafts are capable of flying at high altitudes of more than 30,000 feet; their endurance and payload capacities have been enhanced considerably. The bay of their payload system is highly adaptable to loads of different sizes and shapes. The payload system changes the payload configurations effortlessly for different loads. Both the Hermes 450 and Hermes 900 share the unified ground control stations (UGCS), hence the migration to Hermes 900 from Hermes 450 is easy for the users. The migration to Hermes 900 is a cost-effective affair as it offers considerable amount of operational flexibility.
Joseph Ackerman, President and CEO of Elbit, commented that the Hermes 900 is an important landmark in the UAS development for Elbit. He added that the new contract strengthened their position as one of the leading provider of UAS systems across the world.