Seiko Epson has unveiled the Vision Guide, an image processing system for high-speed and high-accuracy detection of the position, shape and alignment of operations that have been completed by industrial robots.
Vision Guide
Seiko Epson plans to begin the sales of its Vision Guide in September 2011. It developed the novel product to tackle labor shortage issues and demand for high production efficacy and consistent quality in developing countries that are involved in bulk-production of electronic automotive components, smartphones and other tiny electronic devices.
While utilizing individual industrial robots for repetitive operations, producers realize the need to use a novel device that operates along with the robot to enable accurate alignment of ongoing front-end processes. Due to this, most of the firms performing numerous small-lot jobs have been pushed to use special devices to determine the alignment and position of the completed job, and must alter this device for each product manufactured. This growing necessity increases the requirement for image processing systems that can determine the work's position and alignment and allow the continuation of plant operations despite incorrect position of the work.
The Vision Guide features a camera that can be used along with an extensive range of Seiko Epson controllers and robots. The easy-to-install device is suitable for companies who are first-time users. It needs £ 0.01 s to detect a single piece of work and £ 0.16 s for 10 pieces. Its 99.8% recall ratio signifies high precision and assures consistent quality and enhanced productivity.
Hideo Hirao, who is the in-charge of the Factory Automation Division at Seiko Epson, stated that the company produced the Vision Guide to meet customer requirements, which include, extending the use of its robot range. The combination of the Vision Guide and industrial robots offers more options while designing production lines and enables higher efficacy in small-lot production by eliminating the need of a special device to identify the position of work, he said.