Jan 28 2013
Huntington Ingalls Industries announced today that its Ingalls Shipbuilding division has awarded $109,271 in grants to 26 schools and educational organizations in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana. The grants, which were requested by all of the organizations, will be used for projects associated with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
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Ingalls Shipbuilding President Irwin F. Edenzon speaks to educators during the STEM presentation.
"These STEM grants provide additional resources to our Gulf Coast schools so teachers can better promote an educational foundation based on math and science," said Ingalls Shipbuilding President Irwin F. Edenzon. "As technology continues to move faster and faster, STEM knowledge becomes more necessary in just about everything we do, but especially in shipbuilding. In five years, Ingalls has awarded $429,771 to our area schools, and our plan is to continue these grants to increase the engagement of students in math and science curriculum."
The 2013 STEM grants include:
Moss Point Family Education Center - $10,000 to support the design and stand-up of a STEM Room that will serve the needs of pre-K through fifth grade students in the district.
Vancleave Upper Elementary School - $5,000 to help students improve and protect the quality of Mississippi's coastal resources by identifying and solving problems through research and active investigation.
St. Martin High School - $5,000 to be used to help students turn undeveloped land on the school's campus into a viable green space. They will design, build and maintain an eco-friendly water system.
Moss Point School District Career and Technical Education Center - $5,000 toward helping students complete studies in technology literacy, the design process, emerging technologies, power and energy, robotics simulation, financial and economic literacy, and workplace skills.
St. Patrick Catholic High School - $5,000 to be used to help sponsor nine Lego teams, add FIRST Tech Challenge to the school's program, continue the SeaPerch underwater robot and the FIRST robotics competition.
FIRST Tech Challenge - $5,000 to support implementation of FIRST Tech Challenge programs in additional schools on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Ocean Springs High School - $4,565 to allow students to engage in the study of wetlands preservation, using the 55 acres of preserved wetlands that are part of the school district.
Biloxi High School - $4,552 to purchase material for students to build a CO2 car and learn about physical science including motion and forces such as transfer of energy, inertia, thrust, gas, expansion and friction.
Oak Park Elementary School - $4,451 to purchase items for a mobile science lab that will house hands-on, inquiry-based math and science equipment. Students will use technology such as microscopes, prisms, magnets, hand lenses and mirrors.
Jackson County Schools - $3,771 to purchase robotics kits. Students will build a working robot and go through the steps of programming it. The robot will be used in various competitions.
St. Martin Middle School - $3,500 to purchase micro viewers and slides, scientific measurement containers and equipment, soil, water and acidity testing kits, DNA, cells and anatomy models.
Ocean Springs School District - $3,300 to purchase robotics kits to be used by students in STEM classes. Students will learn how to write computer programs for the robots and how to use sensors to alter programs based on external data.
Hancock County Schools - $3,000 to purchase science kits to help teach and explore science units that will allow students to have hands-on experiences.
Vancleave High School - $2,500 to purchase and repair compound microscopes used by students in biology and marine biology classes.
Vancleave High School - $2,427 to purchase graphing calculators that will allow students to do real-time data collection and view and analyze the results from the collection of data. Students will focus on exploring, understanding and construction of mathematical and scientific concepts.
Vancleave Lower Elementary School - $2,000 to purchase items that will help students gain understanding of flight through scientific investigations and experiments that deal with the dynamics of flight such as lift, drag, weight and thrust.
West Harrison High School - $1,705 to purchase calculator software, Lego programmable robotics sets and small motors for wind turbines.
East Central Middle School - $1,500 to be used to purchase a basic robot kit and allow students to build a robot that will be used in competition.
Jubilee BEST Robotics - $5,000 to support robotics competitions for middle and high school students. Funds will also be used for teacher/mentor workshops, camps for students and game day at the USA Mitchell Center.
Alabama School for Mathematics and Science - $2,500 to support the team's participation in FIRST Technology Challenge, a robotics competition.
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School - $1,500 to purchase laptops and software programs that will help train students in computer programs that will aid them in programming their robot for competition.
Greater New Orleans STEM Initiative - $15,000 to provide two weeks of hands-on science training for teachers from Louisiana and Mississippi.
Dollars for Scholars - $10,000 to award four, $2,500 engineering scholarships to area high school students.
Greater New Orleans Regional Science Fair - $2,500 to support students attending the regional science fair.
Hahnville High School - $250, which is a contribution to the Engineering and Robotics Club.
Northshore High School - $250, which is a contribution to the Engineering and Robotics Club.
Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) designs, builds and maintains nuclear and non-nuclear ships for the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard and provides after-market services for military ships around the globe. For more than a century, HII has built more ships in more ship classes than any other U.S. naval shipbuilder. Employing more than 37,000 in Virginia, Mississippi, Louisiana and California, its primary business divisions are Newport News Shipbuilding and Ingalls Shipbuilding.