Amit Goffer, Founder of Argo Medical Technologies, has developed robotic ‘pants’ that utilizes motors and sensors to enable paraplegics to stand and walk.
The robotic device serves as an ideal substitute to the wheelchair and it was reported that after clinically analyzing the system in the US and Israel, the devices will be sold from January to several rehabilitation organizations worldwide. Further, Argo collaborates with firms that are involved in the development of medical robotics and exoskeleton.
'ReWalk' Robotic Device
Dubbed ‘ReWalk’, the robotic device features crutches for offering stability to the paralyzed people when they bend forward or turn their upper body in a dissimilar manner. The weight of the device is 35 pounds and it can be worn outside the outfits. Its leg braces feature motor-driven joints and movement sensors, which can effectively react to even minor alterations in upper-body motion as well as alterations in balance.
The connection of the robotic device around the shoulders and waist of the person enables accurate positioning of the suit. It also includes a backpack that carries a computer and a battery. The battery power can last for 3 ½ hours and can be recharged as well.
During operation, the device makes several sounds. Oren Tamari, Chief Operating Officer of Argo Medical, has stated that neither the robotic device nor the paraplegic walks alone. He added that ReWalk is a man-machine system, in which movement is possible only by combined effort. He mentioned that the robotic device can also be utilized by persons with digestive, cardiovascular, pressure sores and circulatory ailments.