Global UAV Market Forecast to Grow at 5.66% CAGR During 2015-2025

The Global UAV Market 2015-2025 is a 218 pages research report available with that provides readers with a detailed UAV market analysis of both historic and forecast global industry values, factors influencing demand, the challenges faced by industry participants, analysis of industry leading companies, and key news.

The global UAV industry is highly fragmented due to the presence of a large number of established manufacturers and a significant number of small and medium-scale enterprises. However, many of these established firms acquire small UAV manufacturers possessing niche capabilities in order to enhance their own technological capabilities and increase their overall product portfolios. For instance, in 2013, Selex Galileo, a part of Italian-based Finmeccanica, acquired Unmanned Technology Research Institute (UTRI), an Italian developer of MUAVs for defense and homeland security. Complete research is available at .

The global economic slowdown has reduced the defense budgets of most leading spenders in the world, including the US, France, Germany and the UK. Cuts to military expenditure have led to the cancellation and indefinite delays of various UAV projects, and are having a detrimental impact on the growth of the UAV industry. For example, in 2010 the US army indefinitely postponed the upgrade of its Shadow RQ-7B aircraft to the new RQ-7C model, in order to reduce costs. The French government may also scrap the Talarion UAV development project to save development costs. High UAV accident rates, as a consequence of unfavorable weather conditions or system failure, also hinder the deployment of UAVs in critical missions such as combat roles. Accidents are more frequent for UAVs, mainly because manned aircraft have trained pilots capable of diagnosing or overriding system problems. However, if a UAV encounters difficult weather conditions or a system failure, the remote pilot is often unable to access important information such as wind speed and take evasive action.

The Global UAV Market is expected to experience a CAGR of 5.66% during 2015-2025. North America and Europe are expected to be the largest UAV markets, with a cumulative market share of more than 67%. The UCAV segment is expected to dominate the UAV market, with a share of 34%. The market is driven by the rise of asymmetric warfare and the growing need for ISR missions, situational awareness, interoperability and integrated solutions amongst military strategists. This report offers detailed analysis of the Global UAV Market with market size forecasts covering the next 10years. This report will also analyze factors that influence the demand for UAV, key market trends and challenges faced by industry participants. Also covered is analysis for:

Global UAV Market size and drivers: detailed analysis of the UAV market during 2015-2025, including highlights of the demand drivers and growth stimulators for UAV. It also provides a snapshot of the spending patterns and modernization patterns of different regions around the world

Recent developments and industry challenges: insights into technological developments in the UAVmarket and a detailed analysis of the changing preferences of the defense ministries around the world. It also provides trends of the changing industry structure and the challenges faced by industry participants

SWOT analysis of the UAV market: analysis of the industry characteristics by determining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by the UAV industry

Global UAV country analysis: analysis of the key markets in each region, providing an analysis of the key segments of the UAV industry expected to be in demand in each region

Major programs: details of the key programs in each segment, which are expected to be executed during the forecast period

Competitive landscape and strategic insights: analysis of the competitive landscape of the global UAV industry. It provides an overview of key players, together with insights such as key alliances, strategic initiatives, and a brief financial analysis

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