Weapon Systems Solutions Division, Digital Fusion Systems (DFSI) a subsidiary of KratosDefense and Security Solutions has won a million dollar contract from the US Army for providing engineering and technical support for the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) of the US Army.
Technical support for UAS
The Aerodyne Team and Kratos have been involved in mission critical UAS related tasks that take care of National Security for five years
According to the terms of the contract, Kratos-DFSI will support the UAS Operations Center with its expertise in UAS platforms and the functional divisions of UAS in order to equip them with operational readiness, maintenance, flight hour and historical data. DFSI will also be supporting the Army in all the Standard Army Management Information Systems (STAMIS) data elements. Apart from these support services the DFSI will be serving the UAS-wide automation initiatives and activities that take care of the sustainment of the systems such as the UAS Dashboards, internet portals and maintaining the customer data base. Kratos will also get involved in the Lean Six Sigma business and in the support of the automated process workflows. All the support work under the contract will be executed at the Army’s Redstone Arsenal in AL. The director of DFSI considered working for the contract as an opportunity for DFSI to continue providing quality support services to the UAS PO. Kratos relies heavily upon the services provided to the Army for their business such as manufacture of ground control stations, transport and protection systems, electronics, weapon systems and command control systems.