Dec 15 2014
Continuous Baling means making a new bale while the previous bale is being finished and ejected. It is an easy way of making a large quantity of high-quality bales, saving on fuel and reducing wear and tear. It is about good feed for cattle, comfort for people and a more profitable operation. The Lely Welger CB Concept is a new chapter in forage harvesting.
Lely presents the world’s first continuous baler
Top-quality feed depends directly on a consistently high density. That is why this baler always has full tension on the bales and never releases, squeezing the oxygen out from the very start until the bale is tied.
When a bale reaches its full size, it is transferred to the rear of the machine. At the same time a new bale is already beginning to form. That is why this is the only true Continuous Baling system.
The split functionalities in the bale chamber always enable you to have a bale in progress without the need for any buffer system. By eliminating stops, delays and waiting times the Continuous Baling concept makes a huge difference.
The baler is less dependent on the driver and his/her concentration to reach the maximum output. The automated
mode simply controls the baler’s functionalities. Therefore continuous outputs of 110 to 130 bales an hour are realistic, even during long days.
No more constantly stopping, accelerating or rocking is a big relief for the tractor driver, especially during the long days of harvesting when the pressure is on. Continuous Baling makes the job much more pleasant.
Due to the smooth bale transfer and smooth ejecting of the bale, Continuous Baling is not noticeable in the tractor cab. The driver just concentrates on the field and the swaths in order to make perfect bales.
The Lely Welger CB Concept will be commercially-available within the next few years. Lely has introduced it ahead of commercial launch, because we believe that it will transform forage harvesting and we could not wait to share such a revolutionary concept with you!
We also hope to create and explore new opportunities for further testing in collaboration with our customers worldwide. If any further development of this great new concept is required, Lely wants to work hand-in-hand with the people who will eventually benefit from it.
Ultimately, the new product will mean that you won’t have to wait. Huge improvements in efficiency can be achieved through Continuous Baling. It is the fastest and most effective way to make as many good quality bales as possible within narrow harvest windows, and optimize your returns from each harvest.
The Lely Welger CB Concept brings new possibilities in Quality, Capacity and Comfort to baling. For more information please visit